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No matter how small or big the project we believe that we have the edge to deliver modern design to any media required.

We also believe that software development and design is all about understanding the needs of the client. By working closely with each customer we adapt their vision and goals for their online representation and brand management.

With more than 17 years of experience, our team is equipped with facing your every design, development and copywriting need. What sets us apart is our focus on client relationships, eye for aesthetics, problem solving skills and art of creating meticulous copy.

Graphic Design

Through Print and Digital Graphic Design we visually portray your brand in a way that it is functional and aesthetically appealing. From Web Layout Design, UI/UX Design, Print Ads and Logo Designs to Corporate Identity Packages and Media Packaging, we do it all.

Web Design

Working alongside the designer our front end developer builds and optimizes the user experience and overall functionality. By making use of the latest HTML5 and Javascript standards our front end developer places emphasis on multiple device functionality, usability, accessibility and performance.

Copy Writing

Creative copy allows you share expertise, interact with your following and lure in valuable sales. We provide anything from Web Copy, Press Releases, Content Research and Newsletters to Ad Copy, Article Writing and Blogging.

Have a project in mind? Let’s chat!


Recent Projects

Avron Construction

Avron Construction asked us to design a modern, clean logo that resembles a roofline and the letter A. We went with a modern orange that would symbolize the wood trusses on a newly built house and also froms a capital A for Avron.


Better English

It was a privilege to have a client from Switzerland reach out to us for a logo. The brief was simple. They wanted a modern, simple logo for a higher-end clientele. We designed a simple yet effective B & E monogram and used subtle gold and dark blue to compliment the brand.


Daylyn Smolenski

Daylyn wanted a very specific look and feel for his personal real estate branding. He was looking for something clean, modern. We had the pleasure of doing his logo, stationary and website.  ginally did all their design material and we are looking forward to be re-doing all their new marketing and design in the next couple of months.


Have a project in mind? Let’s chat!


Past Projects

Blackburne Inc.

Blackburne came to us with an open mind, they wanted something modern and something that stood out from the rest of the homebuilders in the city. We used the 2 B’s for Blackburne and made them interlock to symbolize the comitment of being part of the building process in each of their homes and also the strength it takes for a house to withstand the test of time.



When this new innovative company approached us they were looking for a simple yet unique solution to their website and branding. We came up with a simple yet modern logo to fit their business and we are very pleased with how this turned out. Look out for further ongoing projects with KURIER.


HIVE Coworking

We had the pleasure of doing the corporate ID and Website design for Lethbridge’s newest coworking space. The idea behind the logo was to incorporate a hexagon with a capital H inside it, It also symbolizes a continues motion around the H which directly translates the concept of working together in a group.


Bread Milk & Honey

We re-branded one of the most iconic cafe’s in Lethbridge, Bread Milk & Honey. We re-designed their logo to fit a much more modern theme and redesigned their website to fit the style of the newly renovated cafe.



Reach out to us with your project details and we will get back to you at the earliest.

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+1 403 952 5737





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